The following is a growing list of publications and other resources about the history of Maitland and district. It is organised alphabetically by authors’ family names, publication titles or organisations. The list includes articles, books, reports and websites.

A Conspicuous Object - The Maitland Hospital (website), 2021.

A Journey on Maitland Steam Trains early 1900 (YouTube), 2022

A New History of Maitland, Council of the City of Maitland, Maitland, 1983.

Aboriginal Culturally Significant Landscapes in the Hunter-Central Rivers Region, Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority, Paterson, 2009.

Abrahams, Hector and Hedditch, Robin, Hay Barns and Dairy Buildings of Maitland, Maitland City Council Heritage Group, Maitland, 2002.

Albrecht, Glenn, ‘Rediscovering the Coquun: towards an environmental history of the Hunter River’, Virtual Coquun-Hunter River Project, c 2000, accessed April 2022.

Archer, Cameron, ‘Dairying in the Paterson Valley: driven by constant change’, History (Magazine of the Royal Australian Historical Society), 139, November 2019, pp 5-7.

Archer, Cameron, The Magic Valley: The Paterson Valley then and now, ACA Books, 2019.

Ashley-Brown, Phil, River Stories (radio programmes), 1233 ABC Newcastle, 2012.

Australian Museum of Clothing and Textiles (website).

Barden, Pat and Pyle, Nell, Hard Work Won’t Hurt You: a history of the rural community of Gosforth, The authors, Maitland, 1999.

Beaumont, Ann, Morpeth Courthouse: a place of justice, a place of community, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2009.

Bergsteiner, McInnes and Rigby, ‘Central Maitland: A Study of its Historic Buildings and Townscape’, Report for Maitland City Council, 1977.

Bevan, Scott, The Hunter: paddling through time along a great Australian river, ABC Books, Sydney, 2012.

Blyton, Greg, ‘Aboriginal guides of the Hunter’, History Australia, 9/3, 2012.

Booker, Stephen; Evans, Elizabeth and Goddard, Katrina, ‘Conservation Management Plan for the Former Maitland Technical College, High Street, Maitland, NSW’, Report for Maitland City Council, 2012.

Bowrey, Ian, The Ploughman: the story of George and Rachel Mead and the family, NJ Mead, Cardiff, 1985.

Branagan, D. F., Geology and Coal Mining in the Hunter Valley, Newcastle History Monographs, No. 6, 1972.

Brayshaw, Helen, Aborigines of the Hunter Valley, Scone and Upper Hunter Historical Society, Scone, 1986.

Brien, Keith (ed.), Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association 150th Maitland Show, 1861-2011, Bookmen Publishers, Brisbane, 2011.

Campbell, Ann and WIckham, Robyn, Maitland’s Gallipoli Campaign, Maitland and District Genealogical Society, Maitland, 2014.

Campbell, Harold, The Diocese of Maitland 1866-1966, The Diocese, Maitland, 1966.

Campbell, J.F., ‘The genesis of rural settlement on the Hunter’, Royal Australian Historical Society Journal and Proceedings, XIII/II, 1926.

Charlton, Ken D., ‘The architecture of High Street, Maitland’, Thesis, Architecture Diploma Course,  Newcastle College, University of NSW, 1961.

Clive Lucas Stapleton and Partners Pty Ltd, Hunter Estates: a comparative heritage study of pre 1850s homestead complexes in the Hunter Region: Volume 1: Historical Context and Survey of Sites and Volume 2: Hunter Estate Database, Office of the Environment and Heritage on behalf of the Heritage Council of NSW, April 2013

Collard, Keryl, ‘Connecting our past with our future: a new gateway to Maitland’s history and heritage’, APLIS (Australian Public Libraries and Information Services), 24/4, December 2011, pp 153-159.

Collections Maitland (online access to Maitland City Council cultural collections), Maitland City Council, 2021-

Colonial Frontier Massacres in Central and Eastern Australia 1788-1930 (website), University of Newcastle.

D’Ombrain, Athel F. and Swan, Wendy, Historic Buildings of Maitland District, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Sydney, 1981.

Dunn, Mark, The Convict Valley: the bloody struggle on Australia’s early frontier, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2020.

Early Settlers of Wallis Plains: school education kit – teacher’s manual, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2015.

Eichholzer, Mollie (ed.), Our Girls: Maitland Girls’ High School 1884-1984, Maitland Girls’ High School, Maitland, 1984.

Eisenberg, Joe and Wilton, Janis, ‘Maitland on the river: reinventing the regional high street’, Foreground, 6 June 2018.

Eisenberg, Joe and Wilton, Janis, Open Museums, Open Minds, Report for Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2018.

Eisenberg, Joe and Wilton, Janis, ‘Maitland Jewish Cemetery Interpretation Plan’, Prepared for Maitland City Council, Revised version, August 2018.

Eisenberg, Joe and Wilton, Janis, ‘Maitland Hospital Collected Memory Project: Stage 1 Report’, Report to Hunter New England Local Health District, Health Infrastructure and Maitland City Council, 30 May 2019.

Evans, Elizabeth, ‘Benhome Conservation Management Plan’, Final Report, March 2008.

Fairleigh, Mick and Doherty, Paul, The Louth Park Mob: memories come flooding back, The authors, Maitland, 2007.

Fredman, Lionel,  ‘David Cohen & Co – the family and the firm’, Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 9/8, 1985, pp 594-607.

Free Settler or Felon? (website)

Harrison, Pamela B., Life and Death in Maitland Gaol: the first 20 years, 1849-1869, The author, 2014.

Henderson, Lawrie, 75 Years: the City of Maitland Pipes and Drums, Maitland Regional Museum, Maitland, 2022.

Heritage 21, ‘Maitland Historical Study: poverty and prosperity’, Report for Maitland City Council, 2017.

Hopcroft, Helen, Journeys: Maitland is my home (exhibition catalogue),Maitland Regional Museum, Maitland, 2018.

Hunter, Cynthia, Bourke St, Maitland, Maitland City Heritage Committee, Maitland, 1999.

Hunter, Cynthia, Horseshoe Bend, Maitland, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2001.

Hunter, Cynthia, Maitland Park, Hunter House Publications, Raymond Terrace, 2001.

Hunter, Cynthia, ‘Central Maitland riverside precinct: Hunter River historical study’, Maitland City Council, 2012.

Hunter, Cynthia, Out of the Closet: Maitland’s water stories, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2006.

Hunter, Cynthia, Maitland Architecture: 19 decades of residential design, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2007.

Hunter, Cynthia, ‘Hurled into eternity’: the sixteen executions at Maitland Gaol, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2009.

Hunter, Cynthia, Bound for Wallis Plains: Maitland’s convict settlers, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2012.

Hunter, Cynthia, Out of the Ordinary: Maitland’s surprising history, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2017.

Hunter, Cynthia and Boydell, W. Ranald, Time Gentlemen, Please! Maitland’s hotels past and present, Maitland City Heritage Group, Maitland, 2004.

Hunter, Cynthia; James, Clare and Woo, Daniel, The Convict Adventure at Wallis Plains, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2015.

Hunter Living Histories, University of Newcastle.

Inside Maitland Gaol: the Maitland Gaol oral history project, Maitland City Council, Maitland, 2000.

Jervis, James, ‘The genesis of settlement at Wallis Plains and the Maitlands’, Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 26/2, 1940, pp 165-186.

Kaluski, Marian, The Poles in Maitland, Polish Association in NSW, 1983.

Keating, Christopher, Greta:  A History of the Army Camp and Migrant Camp at Greta, New South Wales, 1939-1960, NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning and Australian Heritage Commission, Sydney, 1997.

Keys, Chas, Maitland, City on the Hunter: fighting floods or living with them?, Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority, Maitland, 2008.

Keys, Chas, ‘A community, a council and a flood risk: the case of Maitland, New South Wales, and some ramifications’, Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 102/2, December 2016, pp. 152-172.

Keys, Chas, Maitland Speaks: the experience of floods, Floodplain Publishing, Kotara NSW, 2020.

Keys, Chas and Allan Thomas, The Port of Maitland: when Maitland was a river port, Maitland and District Historical Society, 2022.

King, H.W.H. and Woolmington, E.R., ‘The role of the river in the development of settlement in the lower Hunter Valley’, Australian Geographer, 8/1, 1960, pp 3-16.

Laffan, Jennifer and Archer, Cameron, Aboriginal Land Use at Tocal: the Wonnarua story, CB Alexander Foundation, Tocal, 2004.

Local History News Link: History and Genealogy from Maitland, NSW, (blog).

Lost Maitland (Facebook).

‘Maitland’, Aussie Towns (website).

Maitland and Beyond Family History (website).

Maitland and District Historical Society (website).

Maitland and District Historical Society Bulletin, 2011-

Maitland, Barry (author) and Brouet, Michel (photographer), Shot in Maitland, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, Maitland, 2006.

Maitland Centenary Historical Committee, Maitland 1863 – 1963, Oswald Ziegler Publications for Maitland City Council, Sydney, 1963.

Maitland City Council, Burial Register (online).

Maitland City Council, Central Maitland Heritage Interpretation Plan, Report prepared by Sue Hodges Productions, Maitland, 2014.

Maitland City Council, Community Profile (website).

Maitland City Council, Hall of Fame (website).

Maitland City Council, High Street Masterplan and Laneways Action Plan, Report by City Urban Plan Design, 2013.

Maitland City Council, Maitland Local Studies Strategy: Connecting Our Past to the Future, Maitland, 2010.   

Maitland City Council, Walka Water Works: Master Plan – Interpretation, Report prepared by Convergence Associates, 2014.

Maitland City Library - Local History (website)

Maitland Family History Circle, Death in the Hunter: inquests in the Maitland area 1834-1942, Maitland Family History Circle, Maitland, 1998.

Maitland Flood History Walks (DVD), NSW State Emergency Service, 2015.

Maitland Gaol (website).

Maitland Girls High School Oral History Project (website).

Maitland Heritage Fest (website).

Maitland Heritage Survey Review: thematic history for Maitland City Council, Balmain, Brian McDonald and Associates in association with Wendy Thorpe, 1994.

Maitland: hub of the Hunter – historical homes and buildings, 4th edition, Maitland Lions Club, 1983.

Maitland Mercury, 1843-1939 (online access available through Trove).

Maitland Regional Museum (website).

Maitland Remembers Passchendaele, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 2017.

Maitland Uniting Church Sesquicentenary 1859-2009, Sesquicentenary Committee, Maitland, 2009.

Maitland’s Own, exhibition panels, Brough House, 2017.

McDonald, Janece, Brough House: the hostel years 1919-1969, The author, East Maitland, 2007.

McDonald, Janece, Cedar and Bricks : legacy of the cedar getters and brickmasters of 19th century Maitland, The author, East Maitland, 2010.

McDonald, Janece, Innovation, Invention and Enterprise: the history of beekeeping in Maitland, The author, East Maitland, 2012.

McDonald, Janece and Henderson, Lawrence, Timbergetters, Sawmills and Sawmillers 1800 to 2011: Maitland region, The authors, East Maitland, 2011.

McDonald, Janece; Henderson, Lawrie and Ellis, Hilma, Centenary 1909-2009 University of Sydney Geology Camp at Gosforth led by Professor T.W. Edgeworth David, The authors, Maitland, 2009.

McDonald, Patricia, Grossmann House, Maitland, National Trust NSW, Sydney, 2007.

Melville, Rosemary, The Bloomfield Story: mining memories, Cant family and Bloomfield Group, Maitland, 2012.

Miller, James, Koori: a will to win, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1985.

Miller, James, About the Wonnarua, Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

Mitchell, Cecily, Hunter’s River: a history of early families and the homes they built in the Lower Hunter Valley between 1830 and 1860, Estate of Cecily Joan Mitchell, Newcastle, 1984 (1973).

Morgan, Tom, Mutually Yours: the first 100 years of the Maitland Mutual Building Society, Maitland Mutual Building Society, Maitland, 1990.

Morpeth Progress Association, The Morpeth Story 1821, Morpeth, 1971.

Nicholson, Judy, Photographers of Maitland, 1845-1900 (website).

Parry, Naomi, ‘Bishop Murray Memorial Home (1910-1973)’, Find & Connect, 2011, updated 2018, accessed April 2022.

Paterson Historical Society (website).

People and Place: Coal and Community, Sir Edgeworth David Museum, accessed April 2022.

Perry, Wayne and Associates, Lorn Conservation Planning Study, Report for Maitland City Council and Department of Environment and Planning, 1985.

Picture Maitland (online collection), Maitland City Library.

Poverty and Prosperity: school education kit/teacher’s manual, History and Geography K-10, Maitland City Council, 2019.

Poverty and Prosperity Heritage Walk (brochure and app), Maitland City Council, 2019.

Pyle, Nell, History Hidden in Hunter Wardrobes, Nell Pyle and Australian Museum of Clothing and Textiles, Maitland, 2015.

Ray, Greg, ‘Maitland, a city built on steam’, Photo Time Tunnel (blog), 19 April 2022.

Reedman, Les, Early Architects of the Hunter Region: a hundred years to 1940, Les Reedman and Margaret Walker, 2008.

Rudkin, Valerie, Building Bridges: the Beavis family, Maitland NSW: the first 100 years, The author, Newcastle, 2008.

Rudkin, Valerie, Who? What? Where? When? : people of 19th century High Street, Maitland, Maitland and District Historical Society, Maitland, 2015.

Russell, Helen, The Cedar Ground: a history of the Largs Catholic community, The author, Largs, 2010.

Sciffer, David, A detailed look at the wood engraving ‘West Maitland and its leading commercial buildings’ from the Sydney Illustrated News, 7 September 1878, online video of a talk presented to the Rotary Club of Maitland, 7 June 2019.

Shellshear, T. ‘High Street Study, Maitland NSW: An Architectural Assessment of the Commercial Buildings of High Street’, Report for Maitland City Council, 1987.

Singleton, Sue, ‘Historical Archaeological Assessment: City Administration Centre, Maitland City Council, 263-283 High St, Maitland’, Eureka Heritage History Archaeology for Maitland City Council, 2019. 

Skelding, Tom and Driver, Robert, Hunter Valley Steamfest: the first 25 years, Maitland and District Historical Society, Maitland, 2010.

Storyplace (website), Museums and Galleries NSW, 2022-. For stories about items from Maitland cultural collections.

Sue Hodges Productions, ‘Central Maitland heritage interpretation masterplan’, Maitland City Council, March 2014, accessed April 2022.

Sweeney, Christopher (director) and Miller, James (writer), Koori: A will to win (film), CS Productions, 1987.

The Maitland 16mm Films c1926 - 1956, Hunter Living Histories, University of Newcastle.

The South Maitland Railway Collieries,, no date, accessed April 2022.

Thorp, Wendy, ‘Maitland heritage survey review: thematic history’, Brian McDonald and Associates for Maitland City Council, Balmain, 1994.

Turner, John W., The Rise of High Street, Maitland, Maitland Council, Bicentennial Committee and Maitland Mercury, Maitland, 1988.

Turner, John W., Who Was Who in the Hunter Valley Towns in 1888, Hunter History Publications, Newcastle, 1984.

Turner, John W. and Melville, Rosemary, 200 Years of Transport in the Hunter: a history of transport’s contribution to the Hunter, Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics Australia, Charlestown NSW, 2005.

University of Newcastle, People and Place/Coal and Community (website).

University of Newcastle, Virtual Coquun-Hunter River Project Guide (website).

View of Maitland from the riverbank (with apologies to Jan Vermeer and View of Delft) (exhibition catalogue), Maitland, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 2006.

Walsh, Brian, Voices from Tocal: convict life on a rural estate, CB Alexander Foundation, Tocal, 2008.

Walsh, Brian, Woodville Uncovered, Paterson Historical Society, Paterson, 2021.

Walsh, Brian and Archer, Cameron, Maitland on the Hunter, 2nd Edition, CB Alexander Foundation, Tocal, 2007.

Walters, Chris, ‘The Great Northern Railway Newcastle to Maitland, 150 years on’, Australian Railway History, March 2007, pp. 83-113.

Wilton, Janis, Views of Maitland (online research database).

Wilton, Janis, Maitland Jewish Cemetery: a monument to dreams and deeds, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, Maitland, 2010.

Wilton, Janis, ‘Maitland Showground Interpretation Plan’, Maitland, Hunter River Agricultural and Horticultural Association, 2015.

Wonnarua National Aboriginal Corporation (website).

Wood, Lindsay, A History of the Maitland Albion Cricket Club 1866-1905, The author, Maitland, 2011.

Wood, W. Allan, Dawn in the Valley: the story of settlement in the Hunter River Valley to 1933, Wentworth Books, Sydney, 1972.

You know you’re from Maitland when  (Facebook).